The Press Institute of Mongolia

2001 – 2005

FinancierName of ProjectProject duration
1UNESCODevelopment of photojournalism curriculum2003-2004
2Open Society InstituteSupport for strategic development2003-2004
3Soros Foundation / news program /Budapest/Strengthening the capacity of the Press Institute2003-2004
4Pact MongoliaFreedom of information in Mongolia /research, booklet/2004
5Asian FoundationFreedom of the press today /research, open forum/2004
6Arirang TVArirang TV in Mongolia2004
7Institute of Journalism /GermanyPhotojournalism training2004 
8Konrad Adenauer FoundationElection advertising and media /training, open meetings, research/2004
9UNESCOPhotojournalism training2004-2005
10Central Library of England, Lisbeth Rosing FoundationPhotojournalism training2004-2005
11Central Library of England, Lisbeth Rosing FoundationElectronic archive of periodicals2000-2007
12UNESCODevelopment of photojournalism curriculum /training, equipment/2004-2005
13UNESCOMedia for transparent governance /training/2005 
14Asian FoundationImplementation of the Law of the National People's Congress / Organizing a General Media Assembly of NGOs/2005 
15Konrad Adenauer Foundation – UBONRT to implement the law Politics and media in transition / international academic General Media Assembly2005 
16Konrad Adenauer Foundation – SingaporePolitics and Media in the Transition Period / Costs of International General Media Assemblys and Foreign Visitors/ Attending the meeting of directors of the Press Institute of Asia-Pacific countries2005  
17US EmbassyReviewing a series of books2005
18Central Library of EnglandConverting periodicals to electronic format /library archive project/2006-2008